

Hello, my name is Ann and this blog is where I will share stories from my life, reflections on the world we live in and my photographs. I hope that you enjoy these snippets.

I retired May 14,2014. Eventually, I replaced business cards identifying me as “Partner” with ones identifying me as “Writer”. Done. That was easy. Except for the part where it has taken me almost 27 months to begin. I wrote many things in my work, carefully crafted, compelling, strategic, and many of my words were published. My nickname at work was INK, my partner was image, together we were imageINK, the two faces, as it were, of branding and identity work. 

The kind of writing I began to imagine doing when I was no longer INK but WRITER, would be more personal, less corporate, but hopefully still compelling, well-crafted and strategic. I have loved words all my life; spoken and written. I have loved stories; telling, hearing, and reading them. Only on the cusp of retirement, however, did I imagine that I might be a writer.

Two things converged to affect this beginning, heartbreaking loss in the past and present, dear friends who, in the absence of any real evidence, patiently and persistently, encouraged me. 

It’s time to stop imagining and start writing. That or get new business cards printed describing me as, oh I don’t know, AGONIZER.