Early Morning Thunderstorm
The brilliance of lightening and the roll of thunder fill up space and time this early summer morning in the high mountains of Idaho, bearing witness to the power and majesty of Mother Nature. She stretches her arms around the magnificent mountains and the green valleys and the crisply running streams, gathering the fullness of water vapor living in the now towering vertical clouds, turning the heavens dark and sparking the whole expanse with electrical charges that seem to call out to all humanity. This morning the message I hear is a stark warning. In this war we are waging with our planet over the precious resources needed to support our life, in the end, it is humankind that will lose. The drama of unfurling storms has been played out in all its glory for billions of years. Our footprint upon this place is short lived and may pass away again if greed and hubris don’t give way to empathy and cooperation and a shared respect for all things living.
Suddenly, the winds shift and usher in clearer skies and a hint of sun, an offering of hope, a promise of the potential that still exists for a radical turnaround from all that is dark and destructive to all that is light and life giving. May it not be too late for us.