“What is remote and what is close?”
What does distance come to mean
In a pandemic?
What is remote and
What is close?
How do we measure the span of
Loved ones state to state?
And those trapped in
Countries faraway?
How do we compute the interval between
Patients in hospitals and their families?
How do we calculate the breadth between
Neighbors in quarantine?
How do we weigh the gap between the sick room
And the living room?
How do we measure
What is lost in this separation?
The tools we have are inadequate
To tally the distances.
The equations too narrow
To calculate the casualties.
We are gathered separately all together
Inside this seemingly everlasting moment
When the distance across the globe and
Across the street are equalized.
May we always remember when our longing
For each other’s touch became universal.
May we never forget
How love became home ground
For all the world.